Care Ministries

Hey friends, 

Take a moment and watch this brief video called “Getting Ready to Reboot”.  In the video, Jennifer Cowart speaks to the opportunities every church (and remember, the church is people, not a building) should be looking and preparing for as the “Sheltering In Place” comes to an end.

Many of us live by the adage, “Leaders are learners and leaners are leaders”.  What I have found in my life is when you stop learning, you eventually will stop leading… and your voice and influence in the world will become a like a “mist in the wind”

  • So what have you personally witnessed & learned from God in the last 2-3 months?  
  • What things do you see great “leaders”, “teams”, or “companies doing?  
  • What opportunities do you see now & on the horizon where the churches leadership and involvement could make a significant positive impact?

Please send us your thoughts, ideas and general comments about these questions and the other things Jennifer speaks about in this video